
What does Slut Mean to You?

Hello blog land!

Well my friend mariah has her first episode up and I just wanted to share it with all of you... all 2 of you! but nevertheless here is a video for your enjoyment! rate comment let me know what you think slut means...

For me the word slut doesn't mean much. Since  I would never identify myself as a slut the word doesn't hold much weight.... I have thought about this quite a bit and the best answer I could come up with was a woman (or man) who feels guilt or shame for their sexual activities. I am a big believer that if you are going to make a choice you should own your choice so there for someone who feels ashamed for the things they have done sexually is a slut.... 

I also think that the word is a more direct reflection of the person who is using it rather than the person it is being directed towards...

hope you enjoy the video!


Happy Valentines!

Hello World!

Please Check out this video rate it comment it! My very good friend Mariah and I created this as a trailer of sorts for larger project! But it makes for a quirky little Valentines card so watch and send to all your friends!

heres the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uj2f1GknhrM

copy paste to your hearts desire

Much love


The Mere Idea of You

I am here now naked to show you all that I have lost, tangled between this life and the next. Yet you stand there unaware of my sorrow. Nothing lasts forever that we can be sure of…

The music you gave me spoke volumes of the words you’ve never had the courage to say. Or maybe it was I who lacked the courage to hear? Either way fear got the best of us. It was always meant to be simple.

One day you kissed me and the world as I knew it became extinct, you became everything and I became anything you needed me to be. Do you remember that night? The night you pushed me onto the bed and told me to spread my legs. The wetness between an apparition of how I would give and give and give myself to you. If only to feel that moment when your whisper made the hairs on my neck stand. A breath the crescendo of a moment lived.

                                                  Did you love me?

                                                             Did I love you?

                                                                          Or merely the idea of you?

No matter really because this isn’t about love…

This is about you and me and this bed. I have lost myself in your moment. Your hands upon my breasts meandering down my valleys, uncharted territory for hands like yours. Your lips follow suit and I am again lost in your light. Your lips press against mine and we dance for a moment as your hands continue their discovery. Our bodies move as shadows in twilight. Sleepless renderings.

Do we exist?

Or are we just floating specks of dust, entwined in a moment larger than ourselves? My hands roam your back searching for the answers. You push inside of me. Between lapses of heightened ecstasy and silence.

 “I love you”

The silence is often louder than the breath escaping our lips.

Eye of the Fish

The questions repeat 
repent beg for the mercy
you seek  in the 
eyes of a man
a woman
an illusion

the writer 
in the pen 
the secrets you keep
in the backbone 
of a fish
that shimmers 